Monday 22 July 2013



Sometimes I really feel like updating the posts, but it tends to be very short as there's not much to say. Therefore I decided to compile some stuffs and post them together. I'm currently trying to type in both languages, but there might be some different in both sides. I already tried my best to get both as close.





Personal side

This year's freshman orientation camp, I didn't really help much in it. Although there was quite a number of problems occurred during the camp, but overall it still consider quite fun. I didn't get quite enough sleep during the camp. Everyday slept less than 3 hours. T.T And now I know how hard to take care of people, especially those of similar age group. I'm not quite good in communicating with people, but tried to talk with the freshies. But maybe the problem lies in me, I have no idea why there are still people forgot my name. Or maybe don't even remember I existed. Maybe I'm just to ordinary. Anyway I'm immune to this already. I had a chat with my friend, both of use felt that the previous 2 years of camp was more fun. Maybe we are really growing old, I feel that there's this gap between the new batch and me lol. But overall it was a good experience and memories.

New semester is coming, I should get ready. Have rested for too long after my special sem and my brain is going rusty haha! Hopefully I could get the electives I wanted, especially the chinese lyric module. Although I had reserves in taking this due to my GPA and my written Chinese standard, but in the end I decided to bet on this module.



前陣子在去露營前無意間在大眾書局唱片區看見台版原來是美男的原聲帶。當時超開心的因爲等了一段時間新加坡才賣。(我差點就想在網上購買了)而又一段時間沒聼93.3電台了,今天就想聼聼。沒想到讓我驚訝的是既然聽到沛慈的《愛情怎麽喊停》!我一度以爲我不小心開了自己的音樂. 愣了幾秒后才發現真的是93.3播的!超激動的。希望這首歌能讓更多在新加坡的人認識沛慈 =D 這首歌真的很好聽。 (也感謝原來是美男讓沛慈有機會唱這首^^)




Entertainment Side

Before the camp, I happened to pass by popular CD rama and I finally saw them selling Fabulous Boys OST! I was so happy to get it as it took quite long time to be sold in sg. (I almost wanted to get it online) I haven listen to 93.3fm for quite a long time, but today I decided to on the radio. And I was shocked to hear Pets's "Can't Stop" from the OST. At first I thought I accidentally on my player, but after that I realised that it was really coming from the radio! I really hope that from this song, more people in Singapore would know Pets. =D This song is really really great. (And thanks to the drama, she could sing this song even though she didn't act in the drama.)

Saying on KO one react, I thought the pictorial book would only reach Singapore in Aug, but when I went to Kinokuniya after my camp I was happy to see the book there! In the end I bought the book and COLOR magazine. Adding the book to my current pile haha!

Now I shall change to another topic. Most of the time I prefer to quietly support idols, I don't like to be high profile fan to post in almost every posts. Only at certain posts I would reply. Its not a bad idea anyway. As for her, I have yet gone for her events as I'm in sg. But I would follow her posts quietly most of the time, and reply to her fb page or weibo when required. Yesterday night when I saw her 2 posts on weibo, I have no idea how to reply it. As I'm not good at comforting people as well, I could only reply simple encouragement words. I feel that words can be something scary. I hope after looking at all the fans replies she would feel better. Everyone would want to see a smile on her face.

Currently I only thought of this. I would update the post on KOone react episode 3 after I have finish watching the latest episode of Fabulous Boys. XD

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