Monday 1 July 2013

1st post. Blog plans

Created this blog quite long ago but had not decide on the blog title until a few days ago. Then I decided to post my first post on 1st July. Beginning of the month.

Initially, my idea was to create a place for my to talk about idol stuff. But in the end I changed it. Purely idol stuff can be too one sided, so I would hope to add daily/weekly stuff.

I am still figuring out how to make customized blog skin, so I will just make do with the current skin. My idea was to divide post into different sections: personal, music, TV, travel and story. I plan to post each part slowly, I will see how it goes.

Personal section is used for random daily stuff.

Music and TV section might be updated more often. As most of my friends are not quite into Chinese dramas or other stuff, I have no place to talk stuff out, so decided to post it in a blog instead. Personally I like to watch Chinese dramas and listen to Chinese music. A few dramas or songs I get in touch with are not widely promoted in SG, but I find them interesting to let more people know about it. I will start with dramas and music that I am familiar with and slowly expand to others.

Travel section would be under construction as I have not planned what to put inside. I had this wish to travel around free and easy but I need to save up first. Maybe I will start the travel section with places I went in the recent years.

As for story section, I am still in the mids of planning a long story so this section would not be up until its done.

These are what I planned but honestly, I am a little lazy to post that frequent unless I really have the feel. Ok, that's all for the first post. Going to figure out blog skin html codes.

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