Monday 8 January 2018

[Movie] Two Lights: Relúmĭno - 두개의 빛: 릴루미노

A longggg time since i last posted anything. Planning to reopen it due to recent high idolizing stuff... I need somewhere to vent my words. I mean my own social medias, I don't like to put all these. So I decided to move it here. Now first post after a longggg time.

Dusty blog, but well I found this mini movie short but sweeet. Hyungsik, my recent fav actor haha~

side talk.

His acting in previous drama caught my attention, I mean the couple was like toooo sweetttt hahaha. Then I chance upon an article mentioning he was from an idol group. Ok so this made me even more curious, because I have a week heart on singers turn actor, to them is idol turn actor i think? (拿曾沛慈來當比喻吧,當年就因爲三國認識她,然後就開始喜歡她的歌聲。)

So the journey begun... That youtube thumbnail on ZE:A's Stagger (when I was watching Hwarang's preview after SWDBS) made me curious, so I kinda clicked in... And... Tada, I'm into them... And then... I was watching him, eventually Dongjun caught my eyes as well... so... erm... I kinda went into more and more videos on these 2 (basically I mean the group haha)... But oh well a little late but accordingly the group is on a longggg hiatus now. I hope they do comeback together after everyone come out of military. I mean no idol groups caught my attention yet (excluding those very well known groups, I mean I know them due to their popularity, but I'm not really into them during those days and now I'm a little lazy to look through all the groups...) Just this precious underrated group is enough for me. Too old to have multiple groups to follow you know. Reviewing old videos are sufficient for me now. Plus I just started watching more Kdramas than I used to, as dramas I used to watch aren't the same anymore. I mean they just couldn't catch my attention, plot wise I mean. (looking at my old posts, will know I watch more of what dramas last time haha)

I don't think I will still post that often, maybe on ad hoc basics haha. Or maybe random stuff I found online. Old ones I mean haha. This group just caught all my attention 2nd half of last year haha. (nice to have 3 actors in this group, at least they still have dramas I can watch while waiting for them to get together in future? Ok maybe 2 for now haha. I am more towards drama than music. sooo drama priority haha.) Alright, meanwhile maybe I should start to learn to understand their language. Some videos just couldn't find Eng/Chi subtitles which I just want to understand what they are talking LOL.

P.S: pardon my english, I haven type for a longgg while....

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Something to look forward to.

Things came quite bad last half year. Personal stuff. But it's almost a year. Wound has almost healed. Our something on the line. Sometimes it still hurts, but it still have to go on. Eventually it heals. It takes time. Well depends on person. So I guess it might still need awhile. Off topic. Haven been posting alot these days. Well maybe the concert this sat is going to be one new post? Waited for it since a year ago. Then maybe I should post one tmr first. Something that I never post before. Previously had been focusing alot on chinese series. But this eng series which I had followed since season 2, is something that had kinda bored me alot after 6a cliffhanger mid-season finale. Plus the ultimate villain is coming. who will be the goner is something I'm worried about for my favorite characters. Especially after watching today's episode which seems to have alot of foreshadowing going on. Hope it's not true. *sobs* Needed one place that I can just type every possible thing I can think of, which I thought of here! But it's getting late now, need to work tmr. So I shall type it tmr. Need time now. Good nights.

Sunday 27 September 2015

TCO流行音樂演唱會 SELINA曾沛慈 3 1415 臺北的天空


Thursday 25 June 2015


原本想開個新浪博客。但好像有好多限制。我不會放影片啦~ XD 衹好整理原本的博客。大概周末會整理整理。。。

Sunday 21 December 2014

曾沛慈 Pets Tseng - 不過失去了一點點 Just Lose It (Hurt so much) (官方版MV) - 八大綜合台戲劇「...

Had been busy with school project even though its school holiday now T.T

It isn't going anywhere. No time to really take note of her events.

But my fan friends do keep me updated hahas.











Thursday 20 November 2014

曾沛慈 Pets Tseng - 不過失去了一點點 Just Lose It (Hurt so much) (陪伴系歌詞版MV) - 八大「終極...



曾沛慈 - 《不過失去了一點點》















- 八大「終極惡女」片尾曲

- 韓劇「命中注定我愛你」片尾曲

- 緯來韓劇「天使之眼」片尾曲

- 福斯日劇「惡作劇2吻」片頭片尾曲


